Tulan Private Nature Reserve
Tulan Private Nature Reserve

Tulan Private Nature Reserve is our second project of many to come. Tulan is part of a bigger project which will be a biological corridor connecting the Tikal National Park and the Cerro Cahui Biotope with the Lake Peten Itza. Tulan Private Nature Reserve is a 430 hectare property consisting mainly in degraded primary forest. It is located in the Buffer Zone of the Maya Biosphere Reserve south from the Tikal National Park and the San Miguel La Palotada/El Zotz Biotope. This reserve serves as a real buffer for these protected areas. This property is one of the last standing forests in the Buffer Zone of the Maya Biosphere Reserve. Green Balam Forests acquired the property with the intention of protecting its biodiversity and restoring the degraded forest remaining. It has 3 important wetlands which serve as water supply for wildlife during the dry season in the area. This wetlands were hunting sites for poachers during the dry season. Also degradation occurred in the past due to illegal logging. This tow illegal and damaging activities have been stopped since Green Balam Forests acquired this property. Efforts are still being made in order to keep off poachers and illegal loggers from the property.
Restoration projects are taking place in order to regenerate wildlife in the reserve. These activities are providing local jobs, regenerating biodiversity and are serving two important protected areas to the north which were threatened in the past by poachers, illegal loggers and forest fires.