Butiama Hills

Restoration approaches:

  • Assisted natural regeneration
  • Agroforestry


  • Increase tree cover over 3868 hectares in the first four years, sustainably reversing the drivers of deforestation and forest degradation.
  • Improve the functioning of dried up springs to restore the water catchment area, restoring ecosystem services for an estimated 46,000 people.
  • Reduce pressure on forest resources through forest-friendly alternative livelihoods.
  • Improve agricultural output through agroforestry systems.

Why is intervention needed?

The Butiama hills in Mara, Tanzania have suffered serious deforestation through firewood harvesting, charcoal burning and grazing.

What will the project do?

In partnership with Global Resource Alliance and five surrounding village communities, we will restore a fully functional ecosystem through the Assisted Natural Regeneration of over 3868 hectares of acacia woodlands on degraded hills, creating community forests with protected legal status under the Forest Act.

Who benefits?

Individual woodlots and agroforestry systems on 1600 smallholder farming households on the areas adjacent to the hills will reduce pressure on the forests and improve the livelihoods of the local population. 3.57 million trees will be planted and 1.65 million more protected.

Discover more on WeForest’s website