The Yellow cardinal (Gubernatrix cristata) is an endemic passerine from South America, which is listed nationally as "Endangered (EN)", according to the last categorization carried out on 2017 by the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development of Argentina together with the organization Aves Argentinas. Its international status is “Endangered (EN)” according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature.
The number of Yellow cardinals in the wild has decreased significantly in the last 40 years, currently estimating a population of between 1,500 and 3,000 individuals globally. Due to its value as a songbird and for its beautiful plumage, the yellow cardinal has historically suffered from capture pressure to supply the illegal wildlife trade. The male yellow cardinals are the most captured because they have a more striking song and plumage than the females.
Likewise, the destruction and modification of their habitat, produced by deforestation and the transformation of areas for agricultural-livestock use, are significantly affecting the wild populations of the species in question.
Through this Program we seek to:
Carry out ex situ reproduction under the most efficient standards and in accordance with the best animal welfare conditions, in order to contribute individuals to reintroduction plans in the natural environments of the region to strengthen nuclei established populations.
Collaborate in the restitution of yellow cardinal populations in areas where the species has suffered local extinctions.
Work on the rehabilitation and subsequent release of specimens that have been rescued from illegal wildlife trafficking.
Convert Ecoparque into a reference center for the conservation of the yellow cardinal (Gubernatrix cristata), becoming involved in its reception, quarantine, rehabilitation and reproduction.
Carry out cooperative management of the species with institutions in the country that have yellow cardinals under human care and are interested in participating in the "Yellow Cardinal Conservation and Breeding Program" of Ecoparque, thus establishing a synergy and joint work strategy with said actors of importance to the program.
Contribute to comprehensive research of the species in areas related to biology, ecology, genetics, reproduction, for ex situ management and in situ conservation of the species.
Position Ecoparque, institutionally, as a platform for raising awareness of the problems that affect the yellow cardinal in Argentina, its ecological and cultural importance for the country, as well as the problems and possibilities of sustainability of the ecosystems corresponding to its historical distribution.
Contribute to the possible construction of a National Action Plan for the species so that it can be implemented and can function as a tool to be used by institutions all over the country with individuals of the species under human care.
Through the Wildlife Rescue Center (another conservation Program carried out by Ecoparque), work is being done on the reception and rehabilitation of Yellow cardinals derived from confiscations.
In the year 2021, nine (9) Yellow cardinals (Gubernatrix cristata) were released, three (3) of which were born under human care in Ecoparque. During their reintroduction campaign, the monitoring of individuals living in the wild was carried out, in order to analyze their distribution, their natural behaviors, and consequently the degree of success of the release protocols implemented in the wild.
It is noteworthy that the release of individuals of the species is carried out within the framework of the "Alliance for the Conservation of the Yellow Cardinal" formed by non-governmental organizations, public agencies and academic institutions in Argentina that work in a coordinated manner in the different stages of the rescue, rehabilitation and release of the yellow cardinals in order to contribute to their conservation.
Likewise, in the month of September of the 2021, six (6) individuals of the species were admitted to Ecoparque as a reproductive loan by the Directorate of Renewable Natural Resources of the Ministry of Environment and Territorial Planning of the Province of Mendoza. In this sense, the purpose of this incorporation is to perfect the breeding protocol under human care of the species in Ecoparque for conservation purposes and, if possible, give rise to the birth of Yellow cardinals.