Compagnie des Bois du Gabon

Founded in 1980, La Compagnie des Bois du Gabon (CBG) is a company with private and family capital. It obtained its first forest management licences in 1989. Over the years CBG has developed its activities including veneer and sawmill supplied by their forest concessions.

Today CBG and its partners hold concessions for the management of over half a million hectares of forest Inserted between the Loango and Moukalaba Doudou national parks, CBG concessions host a remarkable fauna of elephants, great apes, reptiles and insects. In parallel, the policy implemented by CBG helps preserve the entire river system in the Gamba complex. CBG is a pioneer of MADE IN GABON. It transforms 100% of its raw material on the spot, thanks to powerful sawing, drying and planing equipment. They produce veneers and sawn timber in a wide range of species, like Azobé, le Bilinga, Niové, Okoumé, Okan, Tali and others, but also spearheads the development of lesser used timber species such as Gombé.
Situated between the Loango and Moukalaba Doudou national parks, CBG FMUs of over 550,000 hectares host a remarkable fauna of elephants, great apes, reptiles and insects. In parallel, the policy implemented by CBG helps preserve the entire river system in the Gamba complex.

WWF and CBG have been working together since 2007 on sustainable forest management. This includes maintaining the high standard of forest management according the FSC principles and criteria, reducing impact of forest operations, secure ecosystem service maintenance, reducing poaching through the PROLAB and improving livelihoods of local communities.