Gabon Wood Industries - Bois et Scierie du Gabon

Gabon Wood Industries (GWI)-Bois et Scierie du Gabon (BSG) is a corporation comprised of two separate legal entities: Bois et Scierie du Gabon (BSG) and Gabon Wood Industries (GWI), but with centralised management. The corporation is engaged in logging and processing both sawn wood and veneers. They export dozens of wood varieties, including Ovangkol, Dibetou, Padouk, Doussie, Acajou, Bosse, Iroko, Okoume and others. Its major markets include South Africa, Europe, the Middle East and China.

Its logging operations are in several locations:
BSG operates one Concession (CFAD) which is comprised of two units: The first, ‘Otouma’ is 130,000 hectares, whilst the second, ‘Kango’ is 76,000 hectares.
GWI operates one Concession (CFAD) of approximately 138,000 hectares, and also two concessions that have management plans in development (CPEAT), of 140,000 and 160,000 hectares.