Restoration of Sierras Grandes de Córdoba

Project Area
The Sierras Grandes de Córdoba restoration project began in September 2012 in an area called Los Cajones in Pampa de Achala and officially joined Acción Andina in 2020. “Tabaquillo” trees, the local name for Polylepis, are the only forest-forming tree in the mountain ranges of the Córdoba highlands. Mismanagement of the Polylepis forests led to their fragmentation, resulting in the current situation of isolated tree patches, or “tree islands”.

Project Goals
To restore these ecosystems to fully functioning forests, Fundación Bosquizar is managing Polylepis conservation areas, as this species and its associated vegetation reduces soil erosion. These forests also promote the presence of large amounts of ground cover, a typical trait of Polylepis species that increases water retention by boosting scarce water resources in the province of Córdoba, and providing refuge for many unique species. Long-term project goals include:

  • Maintain proper functioning of the mountain ecosystems of the Córdoba province in order to harvest the fundamental services they provide.
  • Promote integration of positive attitudes and values towards forest conservation and restoration to achieve sustainable use of the area.
  • Recover soil quality, moisture levels, and volume by supporting the growth of spongy moss and ground cover in fenced off areas.
  • Increase the presence of native birds and small mammals through careful management and implementation of conservation plans that will grow the amount of vegetation, seeds, and insects in the project areas.

Current Results
Native Trees Planted: 199,511
Hectares Restored: 32
Nurseries Built & Maintained: 1
Communities Involved: 1
2022-2023 Tree Planting Projection: 150,000