
VERDE is dedicated to protecting and promoting the value of ancient trees, ones whose trunks are so large that one person alone cannot embrace them. Hence we call them “Green Giants”.

A thorough study by VERDE revealed their ability to support significantly more ecosystems at a micro-scale, since they have much more microhabitats than small trees (8x more),as well as the fact that they have 68 times more carbon stored in their structure than a 10 year old tree. Green giants have the capacity to sequester the same amount of carbon as a young tree would take 15 years to accumulate.

Unfortunately these remarkable trees are disappearing fast, due to their timber value and due to changes in land use, mostly intensive agriculture and urbanization. This results in the extinction of their local ecosystems, the decline in overall biodiversity and the emission of the carbon stored in their structure into the atmosphere.

To preserve this heritage and restore the areas around these trees, we implement a Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) scheme where private landowners receive an annual compensation in return for managing their trees and forests in order to conserve them better and decrease the loss of large trees. This is complemented by restoration activities that promote ecological balance and the provision of ecosystem services.
Our restoration approach involves evaluating the ecological status of a given area and developing an action plan that includes preserving natural regeneration, planting native trees and bushes and controlling invasive species. We also strategically build complementary habitats such as bug hotels, nest boxes, ponds, and deadwood structures to promote biodiversity and ecosystem resilience.

Plantations are designed in accordance with agroforestry principles, aiming to bring additional value to the land while preserving the ecosystems present. Our goal is to extract fruits and other non-timber forest products (NTFP) from these areas without harming the environment, proving that living forests have economic value.

Integral to our mission is the active involvement of local communities and volunteers in conservation and restoration projects. We conduct regular educational sessions and activities, providing communities with the necessary knowledge to understand the vital role of healthy forests. Through their engagement, we aim for a lasting impact on both the environment and the people who depend on it. Rigorous monitoring and data collection support our commitment to assessing the effectiveness of our actions, fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement through adaptive management.