Organic coffee from Chojzunil


The cooperative Chojzunil represents coffee producers in Santa Eulalia in Sierra de los Cuchumatanes, Huehuetenango, western Guatemala. Currently the cooperative consists of 145 members, with 36.79 % women, who grow the coffee in biodiverse agroforestry systems on their individual farms. The cooperative provides tecnical assistance in cultivation and harvesting and runs infrastructure for a joint processing of the coffee so that a higher value is generated and stays in the communities. The cooperative obtains organic and Fairtrade certification.

Coffee Profile

Altitude: 1,468 a 1,850 msnm
Area: 142.24 hectares
Coffee varieties: Arabic, Bourbon, Caturra, Green and Red Pache, Catimor and Villalogo
Annual harvest: 2,800 quintals
Treatment: washed and sun-dried
Certification: Fair Trade (FAIR TRADE)
SCA-score: 84

Buying this Coffee

Any inquiries should be directed to the president of the cooperative Jacobo Gaspar Lorenzo Francisco (