[Demo] Chapada dos Veadeiros

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  • Internally, for monitoring of smaller areas within a large project (e.g., ;
  • Externally, for "sponsorship" or "godfathering" (e.g., showing the sponsors/donors the area they are contributing to).

The area shown in this exemple project is a National Park named Chapada dos Veadeiros. Here is some information from the Brazilian ICMBio (Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation):

"Created in 1961, Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park is located in the northeast of the State of Goiás, between the municipalities of Alto Paraíso de Goiás, Cavalcante, Teresina de Goiás, Nova Roma and São João d'Aliança. Protecting an area of ​​240,611ha of high altitude savannah, it is home to unique plant species and formations, hundreds of springs and waterways, rocks over a billion years old, as well as landscapes of rare beauty, with features that change over time. of the year. The Park also preserves areas of old mining, as part of the local history. It was declared a Natural Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2001.

In addition to conservation, the Park's objectives are scientific research, environmental education and public visitation. Walking and bathing in waterfalls are the main activities in the Park, in the immense landscapes of Chapada, on a trip through the Brazilian Cerrado on the old routes used by prospectors, now used by visitors."