Restoration in magamba forest reserve.

The project is well dedicating to remove poverty and hunger in Lushoto district where by it is through alleviation of deforestation driver's and erosion impact towards agriculture plots where by currently there is huge deforestation increase in Lushoto district forest and agriculture landscape.

Following is the project description

The presence of the poverty and hunger in the community of Lushoto district and presence of forest destruction has been the huge problem to the community members of 100,000 at lushoto district who are currently suffering from poverty and poor food production in the community. This has been caused by massive destruction of the agricultural land and the forest of magamba reserve which we are depending for reliable rainfall and for the air fresh attainable at the community.

Through this destruction community especially farmers are now suffering from food production where by it’s has been reported 25% of food production has been decreasing since 2018. The huge natives war of agriculturalist and livestock keepers that happened between 2008 and 2009 has caused huge destruction of agriculture lands through the occurrence of frequently soil erosion in 10 villages such as Mhelo village, Irente village, yogoi village, and kwembago village which are the villages that are in Lushoto district community. The erosion has caused reduction of food production through degradation of land and destruction of irrigation system through destroy the flows water including 4 small rivers and 2 water falls at Mhelo village.

Also the problem has increased due to the deforestation activities at the Magamba forest reserve with the 9700 hectors which is the reserve that has been registered as protected since March 2016 in usambara mountains this is the natives forest reserve which is containing attractive ecosystem and biodiversity including presence of animals such as monkeys, rabbits, antelope and sand squirrels, whereas reptiles include chameleons.
There is also a variety of birds species including owls, swifts, Caprimulgus guttifer (Usambara nightjar) Bubo vosseleri (Usambara eagle owl), Neocossyehus poensis (White tailed ant-thrush), Turdus pelios (African thrush), Turdus roehli (Usambara thrush), Sheppardia Montana (Usambara akalat), Nectarinia.
It also includes plants such as the Tabernaemontana pachysiphon, Macaranga conglomerata, Albizia gummifera, Vepris nobilis, Syzgium guineense, Aphloia theiformis, Dasylepis integra, Flacourtia indica and Psychotria goetzei. Shrub, ocotea usambaransis, spathodea campanulata species, Newtonian speceis.

The Magamba forest reserve has been facing frequently fire outbreaks including burning of forest boundaries, burning of forest plants, charcoal burning of 45% of community and huge exploitation from local community and rangers especially due to the currently demand of timber and lumbering activities at the magamba forest reserve. The presence of illegal charcoal production that has contributed to deforestation in the area. Green land group assists local communities with their daily needs where it can have the largest sustainable impact, and we know where that is, because they tell us. This project will support communities to restore impacted areas providing alternative income sources through landscape restoration work using a truly holistic approach.

Our focus is thereby on reforestation of degraded areas with 100% indigenous forest trees and grasses, agroforestry & fruit trees for local farmers, providing safe, clean drinking water and women empowerment through supporting preschools, secondary girl student education, Clay&Brick Rocket stoves needing less firewood and depending on the project scale a solar community kitchen. The project has active participation of all stakeholders, from the farmer to the beekeepers, landowners, local chiefs and Traditional Authorities, to district Forestry Commissions, Water Boards.

The project is going to plant following species
Rauvolvia Caffra
Borassus aethiopum
Syzygium guineense
Newtonia buchananii
Bridelia micrantha
Albizia schimperiana
Albzia gummifera
Strychnos spinosa
Ocotea Usambarensis
Ficus thonningii
makhamea luthena
Croton mergalocupas
spathodea campanulate
albzia gummifera
grevilea robusta
plum fruit tree
persica American
prunus dometica
apple fruit tree
leuceana species
mangifera indica
moringa oleifera
macadamia nuts


Our overall goal is to stop deforestation in the Usambara Mountains, as this practice has led to a drastic decline in food production and forest cover in our community. In order to achieve our goal, we are expecting to plant 500,000 natives trees in the long term. So far we have planted 50,000 trees and restored more than 400 hectares in Lushoto District. These include both fruit trees and deciduous trees. In this way, we not only want to restore the livelihood of our community, but also promote the health of our forest. If we achieve our goal, more than 2,000 animal species will regain their habitat, helping to restore biodiversity.
Another positive effect is the contribution to climate protection. Planting the trees helps regulate the climate and creates more pleasant weather conditions. At the same time, we want to improve farmers' farming methods by training them in agroforestry practices, water harvesting and livestock breeding. In Lushoto District, we also plan to restore 10 water resources. This involves removing invasive species and materials and planting native trees around the resources to ensure their sustainable use.
In order to achieve this and to come a big step closer to our goal of 500,000 trees planted which will restore the magamba forest reserve and also will restore the livehood of the community of lushoto district through employment opportunities, food production and increase in agriculture activities around the small holder's farmers.

As part of our project, we will first convert seeds into seedlings. These seedlings are then imported into our nursery, with the community closely involved from the start - an important first step in realizing our plan. We will then plant trees in selected areas. We take both agricultural and forestry properties into account. Our team of organization members and stakeholders takes care of planting, maintaining and monitoring the trees. Each location has its own representative who coordinates project implementation on site.
Particular attention is paid to the heavily degraded agricultural land in Lushoto district, particularly in the village of Mhelo. This area is particularly affected by the effects of current climate change and deforestation. We would like to take action here to bring about positive change.
The goal is to plant 500,000 tree seedlings in both forest areas and agricultural areas. As part of this project, we are also collecting data and analyzing information to better understand the challenges facing our community. We would like to help specifically through our tree planting project.

Climate change mitigation through plantation of 500,000 natives trees
. well informed community with environment protection knowledge where by project will engage different groups in the community for more training and awareness rising such as groups of farmers,local learning institutions through opening up of different micro nursery's trees and also through workshops, debates and environment club's establishment.
. income generation to the community through providing employment opportunities during project implementation

. food production and agriculture development in the community of lushoto district
. biodiversity restoration goals which will be achieved through restoration of more than 2000 animals habitats around the magamba forest reserve.
. Gender equality at the community through engagement of more woman's and girls in the project activities including during nursery trees operation and during seedlings transportation for plantation.

The proposed project will be managed and monitored by a dedicated GREEN LAND GROUP Project
Management Unit (). They will be employed with project funding and will include the
following positions:
Project Management Team (PMT) would be established and be responsible for overseeing
implementation of the project. The PMT would be led by a Project Coordinator and would be
assisted by a Financial Officer, a Procurement Officer, a Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist
who would coordinate the reports from the project sites to present quarterly statistical reports,
preparation of annual work plans, project risk monitoring and annual progress reports on the
project. The project would involve the established transparent and efficient local partners on
the ground making sure everything is properly and accurately done and documented. Ensure
capacity development and knowledge transfer and ownership to the local stakeholders. Local
communities will be train on maintenance and how to develop cleaner cook stove. Local
committees are also created to ensure proper management and involvement of local
communities and to Create a sense of ownership and contribution to the growth and planning.

Progress reports:
the Implementing organization will provide both financial and progress report at the end of
each mile stones together with the narrative progress report. The financial report will provide
details on all expenditures incurred during the reporting period. Progress report on achieving
clean environment targets and provide a fuller picture of the impact of clean environment and forest access to
the targeted beneficiaries’ household. We will carry out impact assessments to improve data on
the development in nature preservation and pollution reduction and also will monitor progress .