Rehabilitation of the riparian area in Gambella

The rehabilitation of the 65-acre Gambella wetland began with a November 2023 sensitization meeting involving Meru and Isiolo Counties' communities and stakeholders. This initiative included comprehensive planning for wetland rehabilitation, reaching a consensus on the critical need for protection and restoration. We collaborate with various stakeholders, such as local communities, riparian landowners, Kenya Forest Service, Kenya Meteorological Department, the Water Resources Authority, National Environmental Management Authority, and the National Land Commission.

In December 2023, 1400 native trees, including Neem and Cassia siamea, were planted in the Riparian area, and Acacia Xanthoploea and Fig trees were planted in the wetland. To ensure sustained rehabilitation and protection, the Wetland Management sub-committee, comprising riparian landowners and local administration members, was established in November 2023. The sub-committee is also supported by the Water Resources User Association (WRUA) of the Waso Mara catchment, and by the community, and is responsible for maintaining the planted seedlings.

For water supply beyond the wetland, locations for infrastructure have been identified. Ongoing activities include assessments like hydro-geological surveys, environmental impact assessments, and a topographical survey of the pipeline. The necessary monitoring equipment has been procured and awaits installation.