Gula Gula Food Forest Programs: Carbon Offsetting with Impact
Gula Gula Food Forest Programs: Carbon Offsetting with Impact
1 month ago by laura.beaujour
Caught on Camera: the mini tree tiger strikes again! 🌳 🐅
Our inventory of above-ground and below-ground biodiversity in West Sumatra continues to expand. Phototraps carry out above-ground inventories, with stunning results.
Published 04. Apr 2023 by paul in Focus area Air Dingin
Way beyond expectations... the Sumatran Tiger passes by.
Our above – and belowground biodiversity inventory in West Sumatra is giving first results. Soils and earthworms are analysed in the lab of Malang University. The bioacoustics and camera traps do above-ground inventories, with unbelievable results.
2 years ago by paul
Making our nursery twice the size.
Our team is building a new nursery adjacent to the old one, thereby doubling the size of the nursery to 0.5 ha. This will allow us to raise around 400,000 seedlings during one cycle.
Published 06. Dec 2022 by Support
Presenting our initiative at the project stage during NOAH Zurich (6-7 Dec).
The NOAH Conference just concluded, where we had the opportunity to share our work at the project stage and get together with restoration and conservation champions, tech companies, and impact investors.
2 years ago by paul
Harvesting fruits for food and cash
Harvesting fruits from the food forest by one of our lady farmers.
2 years ago by paul
Keep your head above water: Beating climate change in West Sumatra together with farmer knowledge.
With several years of erratic rainfall, bad rains, a continuous supply of seedlings from our nursery, combined with farmer solutions, trying to beat dry spells during the rainy season, we believe that we can fight climate change.
3 years ago by paul
larger and better distilling unit for clove essential oil being built
With large numbers of clove trees becoming big with many leaves, a better and larger distilling unit is being built in our village. It will extract clove oil from 500 kg of leaves in one shift. More farmers will benefit and get higher incomes.
Published 30. Nov 2021 by paul
All ready for new seedlings in our nursery
After more than 250,000 seedlings were raised and planted out in the field this rainy season, the empty nursery is being prepared for another 120,000 seedlings which will be added in the coming period.
3 years ago by paul
Final stage to achieve carbon certification finally being done: Field Validation
After four cancellations over the past 6 months to conduct the final validation in the field for our carbon certifcation, we found an innovative solution in times of COVID to get it done.
4 years ago by paul
Impressive accomplishment of our fieldteam to raise and plant 300,000 tree seedlings during Corona
Despite all restrictions caused by Corona, our team in West Sumatra has developed very innovative ways to proceed with ecosystem restoration activities. Another 170 ha will be planted by april 2021. Some innovations will even be used in the future.
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