Recolectores Orgánicos de la Nuez Amazónica del Perú
Participant in WWF’s Forests Forward programme since August 2023 and currently in the Performance Phase. In this phase, Recolectores Orgánicos de la Nuez Amazónica del Perú and WWF are jointly implementing agreed action plans and demonstrating progress towards the intended outcomes and impacts.
Increase the value of the standing forest by increasing the productivity of agroforestry crops and the diversification of forest businesses. Recover degraded areas and contribute to the recovery of the different ecosystems of the Amazonian tropical forest.
Action Area
Improving Forest Management
This action area pertains to the management of forest resources, be it natural forests or plantations, for specific impacts (e.g. protection of watersheds, wildlife habitats, reducing illegal logging, etc.). Credible forest certifications are encouraged to be used as a verification tool for improvements. Show more
Summary of engagement
Ronap collect brazil nuts over an area of 44,000 hectares of primary rainforests within the provinces of Tambopata and Tahuamanu in the Madre de Dios region. Through the engagment with WWF, Ronap is expected to contribute to the recovery of cleared plots and degraded land in the forest by utlizing modern technology and agroforestry techniques. By reforesting with selected tree species, the value of the standing forest is going to increase, earning cooperative members a higher income, while at the same time, help with the recovery of the unique ecosystems of the Amazon rainforest.
Impact Metrics
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